Memoir & Autobiography Writing Articles

Memoir or Autobiography writingIf you are not a professional writer, but are thinking about writing your memoir or autobiography, you're in the right place! We will do our best to provide answers to the questions you may encounter on your journey.

Everyone Should Write a Thanksgiving Memoir

Really? A Thanksgiving memoir? Yes, really... In fact, I think it's the perfect starter memoir. So, here is my recipe for a Thanksgiving Memoir. Ingredients: A bunch of Thanksgiving memories - This can include traditions, as well as other stories. Several ladlefuls of gratitude - for people, events, and things that have made your life ...  Read More

Writing About Family and Friends

In any life stories project, writing about family and friends can be one of the most challenging issues. Of course, you want the stories to be truthful and complete, but there are all sorts of worries and concerns that may arise when you start writing about your own family and friends. Here are some common concerns... Fear of making someone ...  Read More

Life Stories in a Three-Ring Binder

One of the themes you may have noticed around here is that we want to encourage you to not only start your life stories project, but also to FINISH it. If you have made the effort to write it all down, don't let obstacles near the finish line set you back. If nothing else, print or copy your work on 3-hole punch paper and put it in a three-ring ...  Read More

What Qualities Make a Good Memoir?

There is a wide range of topics and styles in memoir writing. So to answer the question "What qualities make a good memoir?",  I decided to read customer reviews on a bunch of memoirs on Amazon.  I noted adjectives that were commonly used throughout the reviews. It was actually surprising to find the same words and phrases used to describe wildly ...  Read More

How to Write a Cookbook Memoir

Recently a friend shared with me cookbook memoir written by a friend of hers. As I looked through the pages of recipes, stories, and family photos, I knew this type of memoir would be a great fit for some of my readers, even some of us who don't consider ourselves "cooks". Many of us have memories that are either centered on or connected to the ...  Read More

Do You Have What it Takes to Write a Memoir?

Have you been thinking about preserving your life stories, but wondering if you have what it takes to write a memoir or autobiography? Most of is geared for people who don't write professionally and are only hoping to share their stories with family, friends, and future generations. This simple exercise was designed to help ...  Read More

Writing About Negative Experiences

Many memoir writers struggle with writing about negative experiences, even though they are vital to explaining the writer's point of view. Some people just don't like to "dwell on the negative" while others are uncomfortable sharing their worst moments or traits, or those of someone they love. There are at least a couple of reasons that you ...  Read More

Did you see our articles on…?

Occasionally, will contribute articles to the other websites. We don't you to miss out, so we will post excerpts and links to them here! On March 31st, 2016, we contributed this article to Writing Letters to Share Later A friend of mine once told me that he had started writing letters to his ...  Read More

What is Autobiography?

Autobiography is a non-fiction writing genre. However, people asking the question "What is autobiography?" are often wanting to know the specific characteristics that make autobiography different from other non-fiction genres like memoir. So first take a look at the definitions. Autobiography (definition from - a history of a ...  Read More

Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

The answer to the question "Why Do You Believe What You Believe?" is often left to the interpretation of those who know only what you believe. A few days ago, I had a conversation with a gentleman who didn't want to leave those interpretations to chance. He had some very strong opinions on topics that at a glance didn't align with other positions ...  Read More

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