Scan Services

Online Scanning Services
We have used for photo and slide scanning and were very pleased with the results!
For a 10% discount, use coupon code:  MemoirHelper
Photo Scans: from 38¢ per photo
Slide Scans: from 58¢ per slide
Rated “Best Overall” by PCWorld.
Photo Scans: from 33¢ per photo
Slide Scans: from 33¢ per slide

Note: As prices are changing all the time, these prices may not be up-to-date. 

Local Scanning Services

You will also find scanning services at local photo and camera stores and also at drugstores and big box stores. CVS, Walgreens, Sam’s Club, Walmart, and Target to name a few.

Another option that’s very affordable for scanning photos is to do it yourself at Kodak Picture Kiosk that can be found in some of these same stores. Ideally, the Kiosk includes the Rapid Print Scanner that allows you to drop photos into a feeder and scan very quickly. Usually, you can find someone in the photo department to show you how it works and for around $5 you can scan a whole bunch of print photos and go home with a CD or DVD that will work on your computer.

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