Thinking About Writing a Memoir or an Autobiography?

Whether you're thinking of writing your own memoir or autobiography, or just looking for ideas on ways to share your stories, your advice, or the history of your family, is a great place to start. Our goal is to provide you with tips, tools, and resources to help you find the best way to accomplish your goals. The resources on ...  Read More

FREE – One Chapter Challenge

Be sure to check out our One Chapter Challenge! It's FREE and aims to help YOU get one chapter written in 28 short sessions. It includes a private Facebook Group so you can get help and support from our team and others on the same journey. Learn More         ...  Read More

Write it All – THEN Edit Ruthlessly!

I used to watch a TV show called Clean Sweep. It always started with a room in complete disarray with so much clutter that you couldn't see anything. It always ended with a beautiful room featuring a few prized possessions that had formerly been hidden in the clutter. In the middle, the expert organizer, Peter Walsh*, had to be ruthless to help ...  Read More

Writing Momentum

Have you noticed that when you get into a writing rhythm, the writing becomes easier? Conversely, if you've let some time go by without writing, you might find you have developed some resistance to returning to the project. It's like when you're riding a bike uphill and you have to stop for something. When you start back up, that first 100 ...  Read More

Practice Letting Go

One of the hardest parts of writing about ourselves is sharing our inner thoughts and emotions. Sometimes we don't even allow ourselves to mentally examine parts of our lives or relationships because there are realities that make us uncomfortable. In other cases, it may just be that we prefer to present the best part of ourselves. If this rings ...  Read More

Amazon Prime and Amazon Music

Amazon Prime - $12.99/month OR $119/year Amazon Prime* is a paid subscription that offers significant value for those who regularly shop on or use Amazon services. Free and fast shipping on millions of products. Access to Prime Days - an annual deal event just for Prime members (Oct. 13-14, 2020) delivering incredible savings on ...  Read More

How to Digitize a Framed Photo without Glare

Do you have a framed photo that you would love to include in your life stories project? Even if the photo would fit in your scanner, taking it out of the frame is a pain and I've even seen old photos get damaged in the process of pulling them away from the glass. I often recommend taking a photo of a photo, but when it's behind glass, the glare ...  Read More

Love the Nixplay Photo Frame

Photos... it's a love-hate thing. I love them, but converting all the print photos to digital and trying to get all the digital photos organized has been a long-time battle. Thanks to Google Photos and a high speed photo scanner, the situation has significantly improved in the last couple of years and I truly am starting to get a grip on my ...  Read More

Capturing Everyday Moments

There is a free app I've been using for a few months for capturing everyday moments. The app, 1SE or 1 Second Everyday allows you to choose one or two photos or 1-second video clips to represent any given day. It can play all the clips or clips from a date range as a movie to show you your life at a glance. It's really quite amazing! If you ...  Read More

Dictate Your Stories to Your Smartphone

Speech-to-Text technology can be a lifesaver for those who struggle with typing, but it can also be a handy tool to use any time that you don't have a full-sized keyboard around - for instance, when you go on your daily walk or during TV commercials. Many of us are already talking to our phones when we want to send a quick message to someone. ...  Read More

Go Deep or Keep it Light?

My mom has been working on her life and family stories for a while now. I am eagerly anticipating getting to read some of those stories this summer. I don't know what to expect... Will I learn the details of those interesting, slightly scandalous family stories of which I've heard only bits? Will I gain insights into what has driven my mother ...  Read More

Thank You, Google Photos

Google Photos Made Dad's Day! My father is one of those people who is "hard to buy for." And I'm one of those people who does things at the last minute. So for Father's Day this year, I found myself scrambling to try and come up with something special with less than 24 hours to go. I had been brainstorming gift ideas for a few days and as ...  Read More

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