Last week I was visiting my parents and my Mom asked me to carry a few things from the garage to the basement. One of the items was a shadow box loaded with keepsakes that had belonged to my grandmother and my aunt. I had seen this box before and remembered there were other shadow boxes that my mother and other family members had put together ... Read More
Ideas for Honoring Prize Possessions

Quick & Easy! Digital Memories In Lieu of Baby Books and Scrapbooks
We all know how it usually goes. Parents start out wanting to record every moment of their child's journey. In the beginning, some parents keep those baby books up-to-date and the photos organized. Regardless of whether or not you were on top of those details at the beginning, if you're like most parents, life starts getting in the way. Baby books ... Read More
4 Uses for a Home Inventory App
Here are 4 uses for a home inventory app. If you can think of other ideas, post your suggestions in the comment section at the bottom of this page. For INSURANCE PURPOSES in case something you own is damaged or destroyed To create a PERSONAL PROPERTY MEMORANDUM to bequeath tangible/personal property upon your death To PRESERVE THE ... Read More
What To Do with My Old Letters and Greeting Cards
There's a box of "things" that I've been moving around for years and before that, it sat in my parent's basement. A storage room purge led me to open it up. Inside the box was a bag... a bag of old letters and greeting cards. The newest letter in this bag was 36 years old and some of the messages inside had been written 45 years ago. Before you ... Read More
My Family History Book
I finally cracked open my family history book. Well, it's actually my grandmother's book that she passed down to my mom, but the history in it is all of ours. I remember seeing it often during my childhood, because it was a passion project for my grandmother, her siblings and their cousins. She would occasionally share something that I thought was ... Read More
Preserving Old Journals
My dad has this little 4" x 6" journal where he has been recording a very small amount of information about each vacation that he has taken since he and Mom were married more than a half century ago. Although there are only the most basic details about each trip, there is enough information that it occasionally has to be pulled out to verify ... Read More