Have you noticed that when you get into a writing rhythm, the writing becomes easier?
Conversely, if you’ve let some time go by without writing, you might find you have developed some resistance to returning to the project.
It’s like when you’re riding a bike uphill and you have to stop for something. When you start back up, that first 100 yards is tough, but before you know it, you’re rolling right along.
If you’ve lost your rhythm, recommit yourself to a regular writing routine. Make it something that you can do comfortably – even if it’s 15 minutes a week. Consistency creates momentum and makes the journey more fun!
All the best,
Val B.
P.S. If digital distractions are keeping you from getting your writing momentum, try Freedom*. It’s an app and website blocker to help you avoid distractions. I just signed up and started my trial. You choose the websites and apps to block and the length of the session and you should be on your way to a productive distraction-free writing session!
They also have a couple of free browser extensions* that I’m already loving. With the “Pause” extension, on the websites you choose, a green screen will appear and have you pause for a few seconds be letting you through to the site. Sometimes, instead of dismissing a random thought that goes through my head, I follow it and end up on Amazon or a news site. This “pause” interruption reminds me that this may not be my current priority.
The other extension is “Limit“. This allows you to set daily time limits for the websites you specify. It can also display the amount of time you have already on each site. This is a real eye-opener and super helpful.
I have a need for a ghostwriter. I want a list of ghostwriters on the Pacific Northwest (Portland, Oregon). The best contact tp me is email.
Hi Beryl,
We don’t have a list of ghostwriters to recommend for Portland, but here is a list of Portland Ghost Writers from Upwork.com. Let us know if you find someone you like!