I used to watch a TV show called Clean Sweep. It always started with a room in complete disarray with so much clutter that you couldn't see anything. It always ended with a beautiful room featuring a few prized possessions that had formerly been hidden in the clutter. In the middle, the expert organizer, Peter Walsh*, had to be ruthless to help ... Read More
Writing Momentum
Have you noticed that when you get into a writing rhythm, the writing becomes easier? Conversely, if you've let some time go by without writing, you might find you have developed some resistance to returning to the project. It's like when you're riding a bike uphill and you have to stop for something. When you start back up, that first 100 ... Read More
Make Your Memoir Worthwhile
If you are writing a memoir or autobiography for yourself or your family, you may have asked yourself if it will be worth your time. Here are a few tips on how to make your memoir worthwhile. Make sure you identify your objectives and your intended audience before you start. Click here to download our FREE Define Your Life Stories Project ... Read More
How to Start a Memoir
"How to start a memoir"... It's a popular topic with no singular solution. There are plenty of good ways to start and zero wrong ways. The important thing is that you get started. Although you can certainly start a memoir without any preparation or planning, doing a little on the front end can save you time and keep you moving in the right ... Read More
Writing About Shame or Regrets
All too often those of us writing memoirs only for our families, try to sugarcoat uncomfortable stories or leave them out altogether. If that's the way you want to do it, that's still better than not writing anything at all. However, you might miss the opportunity to make someone else feel okay about their own story or even provide a guide for a ... Read More
What’s Stopping You From Writing 15 Minutes Today?
This is not a judgment. It is not a question designed to make you feel guilty, so please don't. The reason I'm asking what is stopping you from writing 15 minutes today, is to get you to think about and answer it honestly. Most of you will say you were too busy. That's a legitimate reason. However, when was the last time you weren't busy? I ... Read More
Thinking About Writing a Memoir or an Autobiography?
Whether you're thinking of writing your own memoir or autobiography, or just looking for ideas on ways to share your stories, your advice, or the history of your family, MemoirHelper.com is a great place to start. Our goal is to provide you with tips, tools, and resources to help you find the best way to accomplish your goals. The resources on ... Read More
Everyone Should Write a Thanksgiving Memoir
Really? A Thanksgiving memoir? Yes, really... In fact, I think it's the perfect starter memoir. So, here is my recipe for a Thanksgiving Memoir. Ingredients: A bunch of Thanksgiving memories - This can include traditions, as well as other stories. Several ladlefuls of gratitude - for people, events, and things that have made your life ... Read More
Writing About Family and Friends
In any life stories project, writing about family and friends can be one of the most challenging issues. Of course, you want the stories to be truthful and complete, but there are all sorts of worries and concerns that may arise when you start writing about your own family and friends. Here are some common concerns... Fear of making someone ... Read More
Life Stories in a Three-Ring Binder
One of the themes you may have noticed around here is that we want to encourage you to not only start your life stories project, but also to FINISH it. If you have made the effort to write it all down, don't let obstacles near the finish line set you back. If nothing else, print or copy your work on 3-hole punch paper and put it in a three-ring ... Read More