Ideas for Sharing on Social Media

Social Media icons on corkboardSocial Media doesn't have to be random and chaotic. We will show you some terrific ways to harness the power of these free and easy to use platforms. Some even offer ways to share privately with only the people you choose, if that is your preference.
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Why Do You Believe What You Believe?

The answer to the question "Why Do You Believe What You Believe?" is often left to the interpretation of those who know only what you believe. A few days ago, I had a conversation with a gentleman who didn't want to leave those interpretations to chance. He had some very strong opinions on topics that at a glance didn't align with other positions ...  Read More

My Childhood Home Project

For most of us, there is at least one home in our past that holds a special place in the heart and mind. For me, it’s my childhood home. My dad owned a residential construction company at the time and he designed and built the home where I lived from age 3 until I left for college. My parents stayed there for at least 20 years after I left, so I ...  Read More

Use Pinterest to Share Your History

Wait! It doesn't have to be public. When you use Pinterest, you can have Secret Boards that are shared only with the people you choose? Of course you don't have to make it private, but I just don't want you to dismiss this idea for the wrong reasons. As you know, Pinterest is all about images. Well, mostly it's about images, but you also get to ...  Read More

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