This is Part 2 in a five part series on "Preparing to Write Your Memoir". Now that you’ve made the decision to write your memoir or autobiography, you will want to get out of the gate quickly to further solidify your commitment. Grab your notebook or binder and start by going to that section titled “Stories I Definitely Want to Include”. ... Read More
Gather Your Tools!
This is Part 1 in a five part series on "Preparing to Write Your Memoir". Whether you've just started thinking about writing your memoir or autobiography or you've been taking notes and kicking the idea around for some time, this series will help you streamline the process and get it done! Toolkit At the very least, you should probably ... Read More
Preparing to Write Your Memoir
"Preparing to Write Your Memoir" (or Autobiography) is a five-part series with tips and tools to help you get ready to jump in and write. We break it down into simple steps so before you know it, you'll be knocking out your first chapter! Gather Your Tools - Part 1 will help make sure you have all that you need to stay organized and keep ... Read More
A Memoir Blog Can Provide Immediate Satisfaction
My mom had surgery last week and I've been helping her out during the recovery. Now that she's feeling a little better, she wants us to go through the boxes of "stuff" in the basement that she inherited upon the passing of my grandmother and my uncle. It's a difficult task to wade through the memories of a lost loved one and even more difficult to ... Read More
Using Scrivener to Organize Your Memoir
If you are planning to write and organize your memoir on a computer, you might really enjoy a software application called Scrivener. It is designed for writers and has a ton of features that make it easy to write and organize any type of book. There is a little learning curve for understanding all of the features, but there are plenty of video ... Read More
Taking Photos of Photos and Documents
Taking photos of photos and documents can save you a tremendous amount of time and money. This technique is not about perfection, but it is about getting it done! Most people won't be able to tell the difference if you learn to do this well. All you need is a digital camera, an iPhone or any smartphone that has a decent camera and of course the ... Read More
Write Your Memoirs for Your Kids
Have you ever heard someone say "I sure wish I had asked Mom..." or maybe it's Dad, but either way, it's too late for that person to go back and ask. Maybe you've even said it yourself. That's just one good reason to write your memoirs... for your kids! So they never have to regret not asking or not remembering something you told them. You ... Read More