What To Do with My Old Letters and Greeting Cards

There's a box of "things" that I've been moving around for years and before that, it sat in my parent's basement. A storage room purge led me to open it up. Inside the box was a bag... a bag of old letters and greeting cards. The newest letter in this bag was 36 years old and some of the messages inside had been written 45 years ago. Before you ...  Read More

Grammarly Review

I'll be doing a more thorough Grammarly review in the near future, but after using the free version for a short time, I'm so excited about it that I just have to share. "I can't believe how many little things Grammarly caught that I had missed." There are several reasons you should start using Grammarly today. The most obvious reason is that ...  Read More

Preserving Old Journals

My dad has this little 4" x 6" journal where he has been recording a very small amount of information about each vacation that he has taken since he and Mom were married more than a half century ago. Although there are only the most basic details about each trip, there is enough information that it occasionally has to be pulled out to verify ...  Read More

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